Friday, August 14, 2009


As a little girl, my sister and I would go to Florida twice a year to visit our grandparents. Each visit they would take us to this wonderful fancy schmancy restaurant that served our super duper grown up and ever classy Shirley Temples with cocktail monkeys on the rim. Heaven's to Betsy did I LOVE those monkeys. I would snatch them off the rim of everyone's glass and put them in my Hello Kitty purse for safe keeping.
As an adult whenever I throw a shindig at our shoebox of an apartment all my drinks have those fantastic Monkeys on them.
I have of course discovered that there is a whole community of drink hangers and I love them all as much as I love those Monkeys.
These lined Alligator clips are my nod to the fantastic creatures who have for so long kept our drinks festive.

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